First in Patient Satisfaction

EMS Survey TeamSan Juan Island EMS (SJIEMS) has garnered a very special distinction. For over a year, SJIEMS has been the #1 agency for patient satisfaction as ranked in a national patient satisfaction survey from the EMS Survey Team. On this last quarterly report, SJIEMS was ranked #1 in EVERY area on the survey except for one!  Click here to download the latest quarterly report.

After every call, patients are mailed an independent anonymous survey by the EMS Survey Team.  The responses are compiled and ranked against other EMS agencies from across the country and then reported back to EMS.  Since their initial participation in 2008, SJIEMS has always been ranked above the national benchmarks in all areas including: dispatch, ambulance operations, personnel, patient care, and administrative support.

“I am extremely proud of our volunteers and career paramedics,” remarked Chief Jim Cole.  “This national survey confirms that our patients recognize the extremely hard work and dedication of every member of the EMS team, from dispatchers to EMTs to support staff.”

If you are interested in leaving some feedback, please click here and send us a message. We’ll be sure to send along your comments.