A big shout out to some kind folks
A big shout out to some kind folks
San Juan EMS welcomes a new crew of student EMTs! The class will officially begin in January with…
Time is always valuable and these EMT’s give it graciously and willingly
The knowledge and experience they share on each call is a benefit to new volunteers and their community…
Thank you Paramedics, EMTs and EMS Administrators!
Congratulations Lainey Volk!
The day of the simulated crash is April 17th at 2:00 PM and is held at San Juan Island High School track and field.
Seeking to appoint a five member advisory group
Regular meeting held Wednesday March 28th
Congratulations Dave Stanford!
Our paramedics and EMTs are trusted and respected for their medical expertise.
SJCPHD No. 1 will be holding a special meeting/work session